This is how you cancel the automatic renewal. Click on “My Profile” from the menu Click on the “Subscriptions” tab Click the “Cancel Subscription” button You'll be able to use the tool until the end of your current subscription period.
Your profile is most likely showing the reports you had left over from your last year of reporting or what you'd have if your subscription had renewed. We limit the number of reports you can generate, per subscribed year, to thwart account sharing. ...
For each subscribed year of service, you are allowed to write 100 reports. Each report you write will lessen the amount of reports you can write by one. The number of available reports have no monetary value and do not carry over into the next ...
Yes, you’ll have to renew your subscription and with the renewal you will receive 100 credits. We don’t recommend account sharing though as you only have enough credits allotted for the three reports and it can be cumbersome as only one user can be ...